
The role of executive officers

The role of the Chair

The Chair is responsible for the smooth running of the group. The main tasks of the Chair are:

1. Chairing meetings of the association and the committee

· Planning the agendas for meetings with the help of the Secretary

· Making sure meetings start and finish on time

· Making sure each item on the agenda is discussed

· Guiding discussions by keeping them on track, making sure everyone has an opportunity to have their say and keeping order when necessary

· Calling a vote on any motion

· Summarising points and suggesting actions

· Making sure decisions are clearly recorded and reported to the members of the association

2. Helping the group achieve its aims and objectives

This involves:

· Knowing about all of the association’s activities

· Delegating tasks where appropriate

· Making sure other officers carry out their tasks

3. Representing the association formally (e.g. at meetings and community events), as well as informally

The role of the Vice Chair

The Vice Chair should deputise for the Chair, carry out any tasks delegated by the Chair and work closely with the rest of the committee members.

The role of the Secretary

The role of the Secretary is keeping members of the association informed so they feel involved and are able to join in. The Secretary also plays a key role in keeping the group organised and making sure matters are carried out properly.

The main tasks of the Secretary are to:

1. Look after all paperwork and records of the group

This involves:

· Planning and writing agendas in partnership with the Chair

· Circulating the agenda with notice of the meeting specifying time, date and venue, in line with the timeframes stated in your constitution

· Preparing all papers for the meeting, including the last minutes and an update on any correspondence received and action taken

· Taking the minutes at the meeting – this involves recording the people present and any apologies for absence, taking notes of the discussion and the actions required

· Circulating the minutes after the meeting

· Keeping minutes, letters, records etc. filed in date order together with committee members’ names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses

· Receiving and writing letters on behalf of the association

2. Arrange meeting venues and refreshments

3. Bring matters which need action to the attention of the committee

4. Ensure that the number of meetings stated in the constitution actually take place

5. Help the Chair with follow-up work between meetings.

Some groups may appoint a Vice Secretary or a Minutes Assistant (responsible for typing, distributing and filing minutes) to help with the workload.

The role of the Treasurer

The main tasks of the Treasurer are to:

1. Maintain a bank, building society or post office account in the name of the association

This involves:

· Paying money received into the account

· Drawing money from the account and the paying of any bills as agreed by the committee

2. Keeping an accurate up to date record of the association’s money

This involves:

· Recording the income and expenditure of the association

· Keeping invoices and receipts in good order

· Preparing account statements for the committee and the annual general meeting for auditing purposes.

3. Managing a small petty cash float for members’ expenses (petty cash payments should be paid with a signed voucher and a receipt kept

4. Helping the group to plan expenditure

The role of the Treasurer is not to decide how the association’s money is spent (this is a matter for the committee as a whole) but to make sure it is spent in accordance with the rules of the association.