Land Ownership
Gilbeys Yard, Camden Town, London NW1
H.M. LAND REGISTRY Title Absolute - One Housing Group Ltd
1 (26.05.2011) PROPRIETOR: ONE HOUSING GROUP LIMITED (Industrial and Provident Society No. IP20453R) of 100 Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8EH.

Yard Boundaries - Gilbeys Yard Conservation Area & Gilbeys Yard Estate
See below, Camden Council mapping of Gilbeys Yard Conservation Area in relation to One Housing Gilbeys Yard Estate (1-82) and the heritage buildings - The Henson (1-70 of which 47-70 are One Housing Oval Road Estate) and The Interchange (Landownership LabTech longterm leased to Associated Press with multiple sublet businesses)
Gilbeys Yard Conservation Area Screenshot 2022-09-29 185037.png
The Interchange Building
Freehold - LabTech
Leaseholder - Associated Press
Boundary marked on cobbled ground by metal ground set studs on parking bays
The Henson Building
Freehold - Private offshore ownership trust
Leaseholders -
Flats 1-46 Private Leaseholders
Flats 47-70 One Housing Group Ltd
Ground floor and basement office Private Leaseholders
Boundary marked on cobbled ground by metal ground set studs on parking bays plus the gap between Interchange and Henson studs at Henson rear on east side of Gilbeys Yard
Land Ownership Boundaries
We created this arial view diagram to report the November 2017 - February 2018 storing and collecting of all Camden Market waste at the Back of 1st Floor, Building C, Stables Market on Morrisons and Gilbeys Yard land without permission and creating noise at very anti social hours as well as creating swarms of rats. The council enforcement made them dismantle the makeshift wooden shed they had built for this purpose again as they had done so previously in April 2017.
St George [Berkeley Group] Camden Goods Yard aka Morrisons Car Park - The south east corner of this previous car park now 5 year construction [2020-2025] of Camden Goods Yard [CGY] adjacent to The Interchange Building and bordering Gilbeys Yard conservation area with LabTech Camden Market land at 2.5 metre lower canal level to Camden Goods Yard and Gilbeys Yard
1 June 2017
There is plenty of confusion about this little area, probably because of the low brick wall running around it, that makes it look like a part of the 1st floor rear of Building C Stables Market. In fact the land is simply part of Morrisons supermarket car park and we don't know why that little wall boundary was put there, just like many activities in this area by Camden Market that have no permission or right of use.
Below are the actual land registry documents that detail the surface of that area down to 40cm is 999 year leasehold Morrisons (SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED)
Page 2 of Official Copy (Register) - NGL861438.pdf
"B: Proprietorship Register"
"This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries that affect the right of disposal."
"Title absolute"
"1 (31.03.2006) PROPRIETOR: SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED (Co. Regn. No. 00746956) of Hilmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD3 7DL."
Morrisons Car Park - The south east corner of car park land registry documents
Title number NGL861438
Edition date 21.03.2016
– This official copy shows the entries on the register of title on 03 AUG 2017 at 09:23:42.
– This date must be quoted as the "search from date" in any official search application based on this copy.
– The date at the beginning of an entry is the date on which the entry was made in the register.
– Issued on 03 Aug 2017.
– Under s.67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, this copy is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original.
– This title is dealt with by HM Land Registry, Croydon Office.

Title number NGL861189
Edition date 20.01.2016
– This official copy shows the entries on the register of title on 03 AUG 2017 at 08:57:14.
– This date must be quoted as the "search from date" in any official search application based on this copy.
– The date at the beginning of an entry is the date on which the entry was made in the register.
– Issued on 03 Aug 2017.
– Under s.67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, this copy is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original.
– This title is dealt with by HM Land Registry, Croydon Office.

12 April 2017
22 November 2017
27 August 2014
27 August 2014
27 August 2014
27 August 2014
27 August 2014